JOIN THE NAACP TODAY. JOIN THE NAACP TODAY $10.00 Regular Youth: $10.00 (Ages 20 and Under) $10.00 WIN (Women In the NAACP) Membership: $10.00 (Only available to active members) $30.00 Regular Adult: $30.00 (Ages 21 and older) $100.00 Junior Life: $100.00 (Ages 13 and Under) *Payable in annual installments of $25 or more $400.00 Bronze Life: $400.00 (Ages 14 - 20) *Payable in annual installments of $50 or more $750.00 Silver Life: $750.00 *Payable in annual installments of $75 or more $1,500.00 Gold Life: $1,500.00 *Payable in installments of $150 or more and only available to Silver Life or Regular Members. $2,500.00 Diamond Life: $2,500.00 *Payable in installments of $250 or more and only available to Gold or Golden Heritage Life Members Custom Amount Please enter an amount $ One-Time Donation Monthly Donation Weekly Donation Donate Donate Join the local NAACP today and be a part of ENSURING EQUALITY OF RIGHTS FOR ALL PEOPLE!